Thursday 1 June 2017


Eating healthy because you want to can be very empowering. Or so I am told. I can tell you what I know all too well: eating better because every day feels like you ate your weight in Taco Bell and then went out binge drinking to celebrate. And now it is the next morning and things aren't going so well. You are gripping the sides of the toilet, but you know this agony will pass. 

What if it doesn't pass? I have been having digestive issues for as long as I can remember. (Note: Don't take liquid Kaopectate; it tastes like Satan's idea of a good joke). But instead of my innards sorting themselves out over time, I feel like I am back at square one. Worse than that - square one-half. 

As I type this it is shortly after 2am here and I am wide awake. What happened, you may ask? I had soy sauce with my sushi. Such a bold and reckless move, but I have no one to blame but myself. I just get so tired of so many eating restrictions, including combinations of foods that will cause great gastric distress. 

If you saw me, you would never know that I have any dietary issues other than whether or not to order that fourth large pizza. Believe me when I say I do. If you are an unfortunate person who has to struggle not to set your guts off, you have my sympathy. And I believe you. We're in this together.

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