Wednesday 14 June 2017


Now I do not always have the purest of motives, but I can admit when that's the case. This video reached over 38.1 million views in just a little over two weeks on YouTube. Being a creator myself and never having reached even a fraction of that recognition - yeah, I really wanted to vomit. Then I watched the video, and I have to agree with most of YouTube. This. Song. Sucks.

And yes, you are reading it correctly - significantly more thumbs-downs than thumbs-ups. This can be attributed to a couple of things. First, it's just not a great song. But the guy is like 20 years old so I think people could give him a break there. It's not like he's going to write lyrics about his hard life on the streets. He looks more like someone who would be on a commercial for Pizza Pockets. 

And I am sure that jealousy plays a part in this whole circus. I can only speak for myself for certain, and I know I may never hit the heights that this kid managed to reach his first time out. But would I want to trade places with him? Absolutely not. He could release tracks for 30 years and never achieve that level of success again. And as much as I feel I am growing as a creator, I know there is always another rung to climb on the ladder of success. But for a 20 year-old guy who just reached 38 million views and stands at the top of that ladder, it's a hell of a long way down. 

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