Sunday 28 May 2017


I suppose it started with my departure from I left after reaching out for help and getting dog-piled by several trolls five minutes after my request. To add fuel to the fire, an admin from the site witnessed all of this and did nothing to stop it. Instead, he told me that I should just block people when a problem arose. But there was not just "a problem"; the whole site is infected with trolls.

Since then, I have felt completely detached not only from others online but also from myself. I am trying desperately to re-introduce some normalcy into my daily computer experience. I don't know if I am making any headway, to be honest. All I know is I am tired of getting dumped on. But in order to understand why it is so difficult for me to "just ignore it", you need to know something about me. Something I usually don't talk about. I was badly abused as a child, in every way - including verbally and emotionally. And if this happened to any of you, you know how difficult it is to deal with these trolls, no matter how many decades roll by.

And so my artwork has changed, everything has changed. I have pulled back from my interactions here as well as other sites. I know I will be back fully at some point. I just need to figure out how.

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