Friday 19 May 2017


Well, I wasn't going to write a blog post today - too tired, nothing much to say. I don't like to post blog entries just for the sake of it But Facebook saved the day once again. It's my own damn fault for coming back to it time and time again, I guess. Right now I am just pissed off. Below is a status post from someone I have known for YEARS. We were both YouTube creators during a happier time with YouTube, before a lot of the infighting took place. Anyway, I am stalling. I blotted out the face and name of this person out of respect for them, even though I am not entirely sure they are deserving of it. At any rate, here it is:

So as you can see I responded to the status. He is forever complaining about various Facebook friends, but I don't think I would have even assumed it was me until he made mention of a cappella covers. Interesting. That's not a very popular pastime that I am aware of. I think I mentioned before that I have been doing most of my covers a cappella because that's the only way Soundcloud will keep them up. And the fact that Audiomack actually has a category for a cappella music leads me to believe they have the same policy regarding cover songs. So I have every reason to assume this is related to me.

I had another person complaining about my music today as well, so this hasn't been a good day for feedback. My message to these people is: "Yes, I sing. No, I am not a professional. I am not going to sound like your favourite singer. And quite often your favourite singer doesn't even sound like your favourite singer. It's called "auto-tune". I wonder at what point in your life you were lied to and told that your opinion matters so much, because that person actually did you a great disservice. If you don't want to hear my singing, don't click on it. You'll know it's mine by a picture of my face accompanying every single cover. If that's not enough of a clue, maybe you shouldn't be on the internet at all. Now go be a troll somewhere else." Now back to that poem...

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