Monday 24 April 2017


This particular piece has an interesting backstory. One day I came upon a video on YouTube called "Andrew-De-Leon-Full-Audition AGT-Goth-Opera-Singer". I hesitated, then decided this was too interesting to pass up. I thought it would be entertaining and that would be the end of it. Instead I found out that I actually had something in common with this young man. He suffered from self-esteem issues and spent his whole life feeling he wasn't good at anything. No one had ever heard him sing. His voice was so beautiful, people in the audience were crying. Heck, I was crying. Partly because I knew how he felt. Everything I do now, the ways in which I explore my creativity, I pushed myself to try because I thought I would be horrible at it so why bother? So I wasted a lot of time wishing I could sing, wishing I could draw, and so on. I could really relate to him. And I promised myself that one day I would draw his likeness. It's not perfect; I am still learning. But considering most artists my age have probably been drawing for almost four decades, it's not too bad at all. I have linked the video below so that you can experience his breathtaking audition for yourself.

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